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Best Mobile Lotto Games

Recently updated on June 5th, 2019

best mobile lottoThe lottery is a very popular form of gambling in New Zealand, and it will come as no surprise that Kiwis would also want to participate in this activity on their mobile phones. Hence, mobile lotto is slowly gaining traction in the country. However, Kiwis have to be careful where they choose to play their lottery games because not all sites on the internet are safe.

As a result, we have put this guide together to help Kiwi gamblers find the safe and regulated sites to place their mobile lottery bets. In addition, the guide also has information about mobile lotto and topics related to it.

When playing Lotto on your mobile, you will be able to enjoy playing for the different jackpots from the palm of your hands. Find out more about mobile lotto below.

Benefits of Playing Lottos in New Zealand

Other than the convenience of playing lottery games from anywhere, there are also other benefits of mobile lotto. Below are some of the advantages of playing mobile lottery games.

  • Top notch graphics – mobile lottery games are developed to be compatible with mobile software, which means the graphic will be crisp and the sound clear.
  • Real chances of winning – when you play at mobile sites that are secure and regulated, you have a much better chance of winning. While unregulated mobile lottery sites will hardly payout winnings.
  • Play various kinds of lotteries – you will be able to play Powerball, Strike, Keno, Big Wednesday, Play 3, Bullseyes and instant Scratch Cards.
  • Lotto Result – After each draw of any of the mobile lottery games, the websites update their results page to keep players updated. So, even if you didn’t bet you can be able to check the results to be able to compile your numbers and bets for your next bet.
  • Download lotto mobile apps – some lotto mobile sites develop apps for players to make their gambling easier and convenient.

How to Find the Best Lotto Mobile Apps

As we have mentioned, there are some sites on the internet that are not regulated or even safe. As a result, it would be better to know how to identify secure lotto mobile apps. Make sure to tick the steps below when you are searching for the best place to place your lottery bets on your mobile:

  1. Always check that the mobile lottery apps are safe and regulated
  2. The mobile lotto sites have to offer the best and competitive bonus packages
  3. Offer quality lottery games that are suitable to play on mobile phones
  4. Have safe banking options to make deposits and withdrawals
  5. Offer the quickest payout times
Best Online Mobile Lotto Apps

National Lotto on Mobile

The national lottery launched its mobile lotto NZ App back in 2014. This allows Kiwi gamblers to play their favourite national lottery games directly from the My lotto app. You can be able to create an account where you will be able to use it whenever you want to use the app. You will be able to buy tickets for instant play and other lottery games and check their results. The Lotto NZ App is compatible with Android and iOS. Find the lotto mobile site or app from the list above and start playing today.

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