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Best Craps Systems

Recently updated on June 27th, 2019

Best Craps Systems Guide NZFinding a working craps system might seem easy to most NZ players. All you need is some expert advice and a little luck to make money. Of course, nothing is that easy. That’s why our expert gamblers have created this craps strategy guide to help Kiwis find a safe way to test strategies and find what works for them. This guide aims to provide helpful information on the best craps systems and where to try them.

Before we get started though, we need to mention that these craps systems are listed based on usefulness. We’ve also taken the liberty to work out how well they work statistically. However, we can’t guarantee that they will work for online craps games or at all. Generally, craps games on the internet use a random algorithm to ensure fairness. As a result, each roll is an independent event and no conclusions should be drawn from them. So, let’s get down to business and see which craps system might work.

Latest Craps Systems to Test

Almost every betting strategy has a ‘guaranteed’ win rate, if you look for a few minutes. However, none of the craps strategies we’ve found factor in the independence of outcomes. For the most part, we can chalk this up to confidence, but there is a huge possibility that you’ll lose more often than not. On that note, let’s look at the most popular systems for craps.

Hedge Bets

Hedging bets is a popular suggestion for beginners, but in the long term, not so much. So, what happens when you really hedge your bets in craps? We’ll take a look at hedging on a pass line and a bet on ‘any craps’. While it seems like you can’t lose, the outcomes are varied.

Supposing you bet $20 on a pass line. Now factor in eight ways to win, four to lose and 24 other results which aren’t a result. After 36 rolls, the initial bet is won eight times. Essentially, you’ll lose four times and get nothing for the other 24. In effect, you’ve got an average of $80 in winnings. Added to that, say you’ve bet $5 on ‘any craps’. There are now 12 ways to win with 24 to lose. On an average of 36 rolls, you’ll only win $60. In total, you’ll win $140 and lose a lot more.

Latest Craps Systems to Test

The Rothstein System

Much like the Martingale system in Roulette, the Rothstein craps systems works on the principle of single betting units. Each time you lose, you need to double the bet and add one. If you win your first bet, you’re up a unit. Now if you win the second, you add another unit and so on. Every loss means starting over with a single unit.

The Watcher Craps System

Also referred to as the ‘Patience System’, the Watcher requires players to play every day with $10 on a ‘don’t pass’ line. To start, NZ gamblers have to watch a table and wait for four successful ‘pass’ bets in a row. Then, players will bet $10 on ‘don’t pass’ because the dice might lose. The flaw here is the fact that all rolls are up to chance. Trusting that previous rolls will or won’t happen again is not a good move. Even if the odds of five consecutive passes are 31 to one, you could still lose.

Added to that, losses are covered by the system through doubling the bet on ‘don’t pass’. Since the odds of six successive ‘passes’ are 63 to one, you should win. If you don’t, you could bank on odds of 127 to one for another pass. The only good point of this craps system is the advice to stop playing after you win for the day.

Hot & Cold Betting Systems

And finally, we have the most popular craps systems of all, ‘Hot and Cold’. These types of craps systems depend on a ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ dice throws. In most cases, you’ll need to choose between ‘pass’ and ‘don’t pass’ to make bets accordingly. Say you choose ‘pass’ and the shooter wins. Until they lose, your bet stays the same. The goal is to catch a winning streak and bet accordingly. While this might work, keep in mind that the house has a total on all bets. Any edge gained is therefore lost.

Top-Rated Craps Systems

Top-Rated Craps Systems

While confidence is beneficial for gambling, relying on any system that claims to help you win more is not. You may think that we’re being negative, but the odds of any craps strategy working relies on factors that just aren’t possible. Most craps systems were created back in the day, when computers weren’t common and dealers were throwing the dice. These days, there are a lot of measures in place to stop cheating, which most craps systems vaguely suggest.

More about Playing Craps