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How to Play Hi Lo Poker

Recently updated on August 19th, 2019

hi-lo-poker-in-new-zealandHi Lo poker is a game modification on the various kinds of poker games. The modification is made to split the pot for hands that have a showdown. This means that the pot will be divided into two for the highest and the lowest hand. The poker hand rankings determine the rankings for the hands.

This kind of poker is played on variations such as Omaha, seven-card stud and Texas Hold’em. Our Hi Lo poker guide will help kiwi gamblers to understand better the game and how to play. What’s more, we have listed the best online casinos in New Zealand to play the game for real money. The top poker sites offer the best gaming experience and promotions. Find out more about Hi Lo poker by continuing to read our guide below.

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Hi Lo Basics

When playing hi lo poker online, the low hands are required to be sufficiently low to qualify as low hands. There will always be a player who wins the high pot portion because there is always the best hand. Sometimes low hand can be non-payable hands because they don’t qualify for a payout. This means that the player with the high hand will take the low hand portion as well.

If there is no showdown, the remaining player will win the whole pot. The player will still win the pot even if they have a low hand that doesn’t qualify.

Card Speak and Declaration

When it comes to playing Hi Lo, there is a way to distinguish the games. Players will have to declare whether they are playing for the high or low hand and the game will be known as a declaration Hi Lo. The players who would have chosen to play for the low hand will verify the lowest hand, and the winner will get half of the pot. The high hand players will also do the same to find the player with the highest hand.

However, in other cases, when there is no declaration and the game will be known as card speak Hi Lo. In this case, all players will be playing for either the highest or lowest hand portion of the pot. There is no declaration of who is playing for which hand.


Hi Lo Poker Strategy

When the Hi Lo modification is in effect, the strategy will change significantly. The first thing you will need to know is that there will be low pot odds. Which means that the player who is aiming for the high hand needs a strong draw for expected value or have more players betting on the high hand to improve odds.

The second thing to know is that it always best to play for the hand that has the chance of winning the pot. This means that you can play starting hands that go either way. These hands are the cards the same suit, aces or a suited ace, two and three.

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